Here is a list of avian species that I have recorded in and flying over Oak Park. An asterisk indicates that the certain species has been recorded on an Oak Park Bird Walk(s).
Latest addition: A yellowish first-year male ORCHARD ORIOLE seen and photographed on an Oak Park Bird Walk on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
yr - year-round
sp - spring
su - summer
au - autumn
wi - winter
r - rare
120 species + 2 hybrids:
*Canada Goose (sp, au)
*Mallard (sp, su)
*Double-crested Cormorant (r)
*Great Blue Heron (sp)
*Turkey Vulture (sp, au)
*Northern Harrier (r)
*Cooper's Hawk (yr)
*Red-tailed Hawk (sp, su, au)
*American Kestrel (sp, au)
*Peregrine Falcon (sp, au)
Sandhill Crane (sp, au)
*Killdeer (r)
*Solitary Sandpiper (r)
*Ring-billed Gull (yr)
*Caspian Tern (r)
*Rock Pigeon (yr)
*Mourning Dove (yr)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (r)
Great Horned Owl (au)
Common Nighthawk (sp, su, au)
*Chimney Swift (sp, su, au)
*Ruby-throated Hummingbird (sp, su, au)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (au, wi, sp)
*Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (sp, au)
*Downy Woodpecker (yr)
*Hairy Woodpecker (sp, au)
*Northern Flicker (sp, au)
*Eastern Wood-Pewee (sp)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (r)
*Least Flycatcher (sp)
Eastern Phoebe (sp)
Yellow-throated Vireo (r)
*Blue-headed Vireo (sp, au)
*Warbling Vireo (sp)
*Philadelphia Vireo (r)
*Red-eyed Vireo (sp, su, au)
*Blue Jay (sp, au)
*American Crow (yr)
*Tree Swallow (r)
*Cliff Swallow (r)
*Black-capped Chickadee (yr)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (au, wi)
*White-breasted Nuthatch (yr)
*House Wren (sp, su, au)
Winter Wren (sp, au)
*Carolina Wren (sp, au)
*Golden-crowned Kinglet (sp, au)
*Ruby-crowned Kinglet (sp, au)
*Veery (sp)
*Gray-cheeked Thrush (sp, au)
*Swainson's Thrush (sp, au)
*Hermit Thrush (sp, au)
*Wood Thrush (r)
*American Robin (yr)
*Gray Catbird (sp, su, au)
*Brown Thrasher (r)
*European Starling (yr)
*Cedar Waxwing (sp, su, au)
*Ovenbird (sp, au)
*Northern Waterthrush (sp)
*Golden-winged Warbler (sp)
2 Golden-winged X Blue-winged Warbler hybrids:
"Brewster's Warbler" (r)
"Lawrence's Warbler" (r)
*Blue-winged Warbler (sp)
*Black-and-White Warbler (sp, au)
*Tennessee Warbler (sp, au)
*Orange-crowned Warbler (sp, au)
*Nashville Warbler (sp, au)
*Connecticut Warbler (r)
*Mourning Warbler (sp)
*Common Yellowthroat (sp, au)
*American Redstart (sp, au)
*Cape May Warbler (sp, au)
Cerulean Warbler (r)
*Northern Parula (sp, au)
*Magnolia Warbler (sp, au)
*Bay-breasted Warbler (sp)
*Blackburnian Warbler (sp)
*Yellow Warbler (sp, au)
*Chestnut-sided Warbler (sp, au)
*Blackpoll Warbler (sp, au)
*Black-throated Blue Warbler (au)
*Palm Warbler (sp, au)
*Pine Warbler (sp)
*Yellow-rumped Warbler (sp, au)
Yellow-throated Warbler (r)
*Black-throated Green Warbler (sp, au)
*Canada Warbler (sp)
*Wilson's Warbler (sp)
*Eastern Towhee (sp, au)
American Tree Sparrow (wi)
*Chipping Sparrow (sp, su, au)
*Field Sparrow (sp)
*Savannah Sparrow (r)
Fox Sparrow (au)
*Song Sparrow (sp)
*Lincoln's Sparrow (sp, au)
Swamp Sparrow (sp)
*White-throated Sparrow (sp, au)
*White-crowned Sparrow (sp, au)
*Dark-eyed Junco (au, wi, sp)
Summer Tanager (r)
*Scarlet Tanager (sp, au)
*Northern Cardinal (yr)
*Rose-breasted Grosbeak (sp, au)
*Indigo Bunting (sp)
*Red-winged Blackbird (sp)
*Rusty Blackbird (sp, au)
*Common Grackle (sp, su, au)
*Brown-headed Cowbird (sp, su, au)
*Orchard Oriole (sp)
*Baltimore Oriole (sp)
*House Sparrow (yr)
*House Finch (yr)
Purple Finch (sp, au)
White-winged Crossbill (r)
Common Redpoll (wi)
*Pine Siskin (yr)
*American Goldfinch (yr)
*Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (sp, su, au)
Latest addition: A yellowish first-year male ORCHARD ORIOLE seen and photographed on an Oak Park Bird Walk on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
yr - year-round
sp - spring
su - summer
au - autumn
wi - winter
r - rare
120 species + 2 hybrids:
*Canada Goose (sp, au)
*Mallard (sp, su)
*Double-crested Cormorant (r)
*Great Blue Heron (sp)
*Turkey Vulture (sp, au)
*Northern Harrier (r)
*Cooper's Hawk (yr)
*Red-tailed Hawk (sp, su, au)
*American Kestrel (sp, au)
*Peregrine Falcon (sp, au)
Sandhill Crane (sp, au)
*Killdeer (r)
*Solitary Sandpiper (r)
*Ring-billed Gull (yr)
*Caspian Tern (r)
*Rock Pigeon (yr)
*Mourning Dove (yr)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (r)
Great Horned Owl (au)
Common Nighthawk (sp, su, au)
*Chimney Swift (sp, su, au)
*Ruby-throated Hummingbird (sp, su, au)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (au, wi, sp)
*Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (sp, au)
*Downy Woodpecker (yr)
*Hairy Woodpecker (sp, au)
*Northern Flicker (sp, au)
*Eastern Wood-Pewee (sp)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (r)
*Least Flycatcher (sp)
Eastern Phoebe (sp)
Yellow-throated Vireo (r)
*Blue-headed Vireo (sp, au)
*Warbling Vireo (sp)
*Philadelphia Vireo (r)
*Red-eyed Vireo (sp, su, au)
*Blue Jay (sp, au)
*American Crow (yr)
*Tree Swallow (r)
*Cliff Swallow (r)
*Black-capped Chickadee (yr)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (au, wi)
*White-breasted Nuthatch (yr)
*House Wren (sp, su, au)
Winter Wren (sp, au)
*Carolina Wren (sp, au)
*Golden-crowned Kinglet (sp, au)
*Ruby-crowned Kinglet (sp, au)
*Veery (sp)
*Gray-cheeked Thrush (sp, au)
*Swainson's Thrush (sp, au)
*Hermit Thrush (sp, au)
*Wood Thrush (r)
*American Robin (yr)
*Gray Catbird (sp, su, au)
*Brown Thrasher (r)
*European Starling (yr)
*Cedar Waxwing (sp, su, au)
*Ovenbird (sp, au)
*Northern Waterthrush (sp)
*Golden-winged Warbler (sp)
2 Golden-winged X Blue-winged Warbler hybrids:
"Brewster's Warbler" (r)
"Lawrence's Warbler" (r)
*Blue-winged Warbler (sp)
*Black-and-White Warbler (sp, au)
*Tennessee Warbler (sp, au)
*Orange-crowned Warbler (sp, au)
*Nashville Warbler (sp, au)
*Connecticut Warbler (r)
*Mourning Warbler (sp)
*Common Yellowthroat (sp, au)
*American Redstart (sp, au)
*Cape May Warbler (sp, au)
Cerulean Warbler (r)
*Northern Parula (sp, au)
*Magnolia Warbler (sp, au)
*Bay-breasted Warbler (sp)
*Blackburnian Warbler (sp)
*Yellow Warbler (sp, au)
*Chestnut-sided Warbler (sp, au)
*Blackpoll Warbler (sp, au)
*Black-throated Blue Warbler (au)
*Palm Warbler (sp, au)
*Pine Warbler (sp)
*Yellow-rumped Warbler (sp, au)
Yellow-throated Warbler (r)
*Black-throated Green Warbler (sp, au)
*Canada Warbler (sp)
*Wilson's Warbler (sp)
*Eastern Towhee (sp, au)
American Tree Sparrow (wi)
*Chipping Sparrow (sp, su, au)
*Field Sparrow (sp)
*Savannah Sparrow (r)
Fox Sparrow (au)
*Song Sparrow (sp)
*Lincoln's Sparrow (sp, au)
Swamp Sparrow (sp)
*White-throated Sparrow (sp, au)
*White-crowned Sparrow (sp, au)
*Dark-eyed Junco (au, wi, sp)
Summer Tanager (r)
*Scarlet Tanager (sp, au)
*Northern Cardinal (yr)
*Rose-breasted Grosbeak (sp, au)
*Indigo Bunting (sp)
*Red-winged Blackbird (sp)
*Rusty Blackbird (sp, au)
*Common Grackle (sp, su, au)
*Brown-headed Cowbird (sp, su, au)
*Orchard Oriole (sp)
*Baltimore Oriole (sp)
*House Sparrow (yr)
*House Finch (yr)
Purple Finch (sp, au)
White-winged Crossbill (r)
Common Redpoll (wi)
*Pine Siskin (yr)
*American Goldfinch (yr)
*Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (sp, su, au)